Saturday, 22 November 2014

Your New Moon Herbal Tarot Reading ~ Card no 2

New Moon in Sagittarius Herbal Tarot Reading 

You chose card no 2 ~ Knight of Wands ~ Aconite

A Knight strides out his latest a mission, a wooden staff slung over his shoulder, travelling light in the sunny countryside. He encounters the a highly poisonous Aconite plant (aka Monkshood or Wolf's Bane).

The Knight of Wands card is perfect for the Sagittarius new moon as it corresponds exactly to the qualities of Sagittarius, therefore potentiating these qualities of broadening horizons, exploring new possibilities and activities, opportunities to learn and possibly travel for the cycle ahead. 

The Wands suit represent fire, symbolic of taking action, energy, inspiration, and the Knights symbolic of adventure, courage, a carefree spirit. The Sagittarius symbol is a centaur, half horse, half man, holding a bow and arrow, pointing upwards to the heavens and setting sights high

Like the Knight, centaurs are warriors, with a fire in their heart and bellies, ready to discover foreign lands and encounter new and exotic experiences. This is a time of exploration and discovery, a time to be fearless.

A sense of confidence in your own abilities, with faith and trust in the universe accompanies this card, but there is also a warning.

The Aconite plant indicated in the card is a truly exotic, intriguing and beautiful plant, but its distinctive flower on close inspection looks almost like an alien's head. The hood mimics the knight's helmet, suggesting that despite its humble plant status, it's equal to the destructive strength and power of his warrior opponent. 

Aconite is a deadly poison in even relatively small amounts. Ingesting it can cause nausea, vomiting, intense, burning pain, paralysis, heart irregularities, breathing difficulties and even death.

It's called Wolf's Bane as historically it was mixed with bait to kill wolves. Gardeners have reported numbness, tingling and burning of the arms, even just gathering up the cut plant with bare arms. 

Experienced herbalists may use this plant (known as a Schedule 20 herb, not available over the counter and to be used with utmost care and caution) but very few take the risk. It is used only externally blended in very specific amounts with other preparations as a pain relief.

In this reading, the symbolism suggests that mindfulness and care must balance eager optimism, bravery and a carefree attitude. These qualities can make you feel invincible, powerful like a superhero... But be aware of your personal Achille's heel or Kryptonite.  

On the other hand, the Knight of Wand represents an inclination to boldly go where no man or woman has gone before, and provides opportunities for new discoveries and innovations

This card helps us learn to balance our fiery sides with a skillful humility and respect for the unknown. With this awareness, you can safely shoot for the stars and quite possibly end up there!

Healing blessings,
Fiona x

P.S. I'd love to hear how this resonates with you. You are most welcome to leave a comment below or on my Nourish and Flourish FB page.

For occasional updates of upcoming new moon readings, soulful self care tips, my herbal wellness blog adventures, holistic clinics and events, I invite you to click here to sign up for your free Nourish and Flourish Love Letters delivered by email directly to your inbox. 


  1. thank you lovely, hope you are well. Taking cautious courage to feel the resonance. Annaxxx

    1. Hi Anna, you're very welcome. Be bold this moon cycle and take good care when stepping out of your comfort zone. Lot of love, Fi xox

  2. This is what stands out for me to take with me....."The Knight of Wands card is perfect for the Sagittarius new moon as it corresponds exactly to the qualities of Sagittarius, therefore potentiating these qualities of broadening horizons, exploring new possibilities and activities, opportunities to learn and possibly travel for the cycle ahead." Thank you Fiona for this gift of a reading.

  3. Hi Fiona - this reading is very interesting to me. Over the last 3 years I have been doing a lot of Knightly activity (going boldly forth into the unknown) but in the last 5 months I have been hit by an Achilles heel (burn out). So I am now in a position of trying to understand how to get a balance on my boldness so that I can do the work I need to do, and not crash! I am cautious at this point about going on any new adventures - but totally appreciate the message that is being given to me here! Thank you so much for this gift of insight. Emily xxx
