Saturday, 22 November 2014

Your New Moon Herbal Tarot Reading ~ Card no 3

New Moon in Sagittarius Herbal Tarot Reading 

You chose card no 3 ~ Queen of Pentacles ~ Marshmallow

A Queen sits on a bank by an expanse of water looking noble and reflective communing with a soft leaved blossoming Marshmallow plant.

The Queen of Pentacles represents a more feminine representation of the mastery of the earth element. The earth element (represented as the suit of Pentacles, like large oversized coins) relates to matters of feeling grounded and earthy, such as stability, security, finances, fertility and abundance

As a Queen, she has journeyed through all the stages of development and learning of the earthly realms experienced the highs and lows of scarcity/lack of stability and abundance/security. At the level of the Queen she is able to mentor others and become a gentle guide.

If these sorts of issues have been concerning you, this card appears to suggest a new approach, a more feminine approach. Like the soft leaves and sweet tasting soothing root of the Marshmallow plant, the Queen counsels us to take a softer gentler approach to handling these matters.

We live in a fast paced modern world, where slowing down is often perceived as weakness. The Queen of Pentacles gives us permission to slow down. In doing so, we may gain a renewed clarity and perspective of our inner wisdom, reflected in our waters of the smooth still lake within our heart.

Instead of the more masculine and forceful attitude of the King, the Queen's wisdom is in having the humility and openness to receive materially and be supported

The Queen does not take everything upon herself and carry heavy burdens, but has learned to delegate and take healing time and space to gather energy and resources so that she can give her abundant gifts back in return when the time is right... In its own sweet slow leisurely time.

The Marshmallow plant in herbal medicine is one of the greatest soothing remedies to irritated tissues anywhere in the body. Where there is dryness and soreness, it will bring moisture like a gentle balm, whether it is dry skin, irritated throat and lungs, dryness in the digestive system and bowel, this herb brings comfort and relief.

Not all medicines need to be bitter and unpleasant to take. Marshmallow encourages us to sweeten up and soften up and can be a powerful healing remedy where possibly harsher attempts have failed.

This card encourages us to create the time and space to receive, try a more feminine approach, giving ourselves the queenly sacred self care and support that not only we deserve, but need in order to feel grounded enough to grow, thrive and inspire others in turn. 

Healing blessings,
Fiona x

P.S. I'd love to hear how this resonates with you. You are most welcome to leave a comment below or on my Nourish and Flourish FB page.

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