Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Love Letter ~ Cherry Blossoms & Healing Journeys

Spring blossom delight 

Dear Flourishing Friend,

Here in Edinburgh we have had the most amazing spell of springtime sunshine. The dandelions have been loving it, shining their vibrant yellow blooms for all to see and luring me outside to play with them on a daily basis. I have been hanging out with these dandy dudes, picking their flower heads to make nourishing nature mandalas, solar infused oil, and liver detox teas.

The evenings are getting longer here in Edinburgh which is such a luxury when the weather is so fine. I have been outside feeling my bare feet on the grass, reading my book on a cosy rug with a flask of tea under the trees in the park nearby.

I am surprised at times to see so few people enjoying their evenings outdoors, especially when the sun is still shining. The only folk who seem to be out and about are those being walked by their dogs. I am reminded of my daily outings with my dear companion Whisky dog, who I lost to cancer a year and a half ago.

As much as I love the outdoors, I venture out a lot less than when she was with me. In caring for her needs, I was inadvertently nurturing my own, being nourished by spending healing time in nature. Now that she is gone, I have become aware how important that time spent outside is for my body and soul.

I started to resist going out daily. In a way, walking those familiar paths would remind me of her. It still gave me an ache in my heart to know she wasn't going to pop out from behind the bushes where she might be sniffing around.

Dandy Lion Heart

I am grateful for my knowledge of healing herbs and plants to be leading walks outdoors as part of my work, but in between these times I noticed that my 'to dos' would usually get the better of me and apart from occasionally cycling to and from clinics, getting outside seemed to be pushed further and further down my priority list.

My hips and back started noticing my reduction in hill walking. My bicycle seat was at slightly awkward angle and I kept forgetting to ask my hubby to help fix it for me. I started to feel tingles and mild sciatica on one side, a general gradual stiffening in the lower back over many months which became acute after being struck down with a particularly nasty virus last November. After a week in bed and constant coughing, my back went into a spasm for about 3 weeks.

My usually flexible and agile body was transformed into that of a 90 year old, bent double, leaning on radiators and drawers to hobble around. I was in tears on a couple of nights and in a panic as I couldn't get out of bed to go to the toilet without excruciating pain.

People often say to me, "You must never get sick as a herbalist!" Well, I assure you I am subject to illness, accidents, stress and misfortune as all human beings are even with the vast array of healing herbal remedies at my fingertips!
Make a wish

I was doing a lot of emotional healing work and shifting last year which I am aware was also tied in with my physical aches and pains. I had been ignoring the subtle whispers of my body to take better care of myself, until it started to shout and finally scream in agony.

Finally I listened. I had no choice, I could hardly move. I was emotionally and physically exhausted after a personally challenging few years. I had been made redundant, changed work places several times, lost my beloved canine companion, endured a vicious personal attack over several months, keptafloat to support friends, family and clients going through their own personal challenges, organised a wedding, experienced a lot of upheavals, ups and downs...

Eventually, it all got too much. I needed to STOP... Slow... Right... Down...

So this racing hare transformed into a stiff old tortoise. Through my body being thrown out of balance, I found myself exactly where I needed to be. In a still, quiet, space, to heal my body, mind and spirit. I have been on a journey of self-love and empowerment, working through frustrations and pain to listen to my wise higher self, tune in to my creative flow and intuition, growing stronger roots to serve my community from a more grounded place, regaining my strength with the help of loving support networks and easing myself into a greater sense of flow, fun and playfulness.

I have rekindled my relationship with nature by discovering a passion for creating nature art and flower mandalas. It helps me get into a meditative healing space and deepens my connection with the plants that cross my path. I now cannot wait to get outside and see which plants will present themselves to play with me. I am fascinated by the shapes and colours that form out of the foliage I forage for art, contemplation, eating, drinking and remedy making.

So how about you? Do you find the space and time to tune into your body's whispers? How are you nurturing your body, mind and spirit? How is nature speaking to you? What could you do to nurture that relationship more?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and welcome you to explore in your own journal, or share with me in the comments, or via your favourite form of social media. If you wish, you can join me at my online playgrounds on any of the links below.

I look forward to connecting with you further on my latest blogs, some exciting upcoming herbal events, my clinics, especially my new clinic space on Fridays in the Garden Room at The Salisbury Centre, and my latest complimentary new moon readings here on my blog.

Spring blossom bliss and blessings,
Fiona Morris 
Herbalist & Holistic Therapist

PS This blog is one of my love letters sent out to my subscribers along with my latest upcoming creative holistic herbal healing events, walks and clinic offers. 

If you would like my love letters sent directly to your email inbox, I invite you to sign up for my Nourish and Flourish Love Letters and look forward to receiving these loving updates from me to you.

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Monday, 27 April 2015

Natural Healing with Dandelion Wild Edible & Herbal Remedy

I love this humble, hardy little plant. The dandelion is the bane of many gardeners with its tenacious roots and resolve to bounce back despite any efforts to destroy it. That's part of its character that I love so much, its strength and resilience.

I also love its vibrant yellow colour blooming even brighter in the sunshine, but also cheery on more overcast days. It tends to close up however as evening approaches and when it senses wet weather is on the way. To gaze on its bright blossoms is uplifting for stress and moods, extracts of the flowers also add this warming colour to healing skin applications.

The whole plant is nutrient and cleansing so great for supporting our organs of detoxification, kidneys, liver and gall bladder. It's rich in potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium, vitamins A, B, C, K and more.

The bitter root has a stronger action on the liver and gall bladder, as a cholegogue, increases flow of bile, which improves a sluggish digestion, a great and gentle remedy for constipation, even suitable in pregnancy, compared to some of the stronger and more laxative herbal remedies.

The leaf is also bitter, but a bit gentler so more suitable for kidney cleansing, an effective diuretic, which is rich in potassium unlike pharmaceutical diuretics which depletes this mineral. It's a great aid for water retention and swelling. A herbalist who I used to work with when I was at Napier's Clinics, Dee Atkinson says she uses it as part of a blend to support swollen feet and ankles on long haul flights.

Its name in French 'Pissenlit', literally means to piss in the bed, so be aware that it does flush the system and increase urinary output. Perhaps don't take it just before bedtime!

The latex from the stem has been used as a traditional remedy to apply to warts, and also used to help heal burns and stings. Natural and wild first aid at its best!

The flower pollen also has anti infective benefits. Its flower is also rich in vitamins and minerals, so good to help heal skin irritations, strengthen skin quality and detox tissues to aid muscle and joint aches and pain. You can apply the oil directly on, or make into creams or balms for external use, use internally blended with salad dressings for a nutritious cleansing edible.

Someone on my facebook page said she thought she remembered someone making a wash for the skin and the eyes with the flowers too, and wondered if people thought its properties similar to calendula. I haven't come across any specific comparisons between dandelion and calendula as yet, but certainly with their yellow-orange colour they are rich in carotenes, particularly lutein and zeaxanthin, which convert to Vitamin A in the body, beneficial to eye and skin health.

The flowers are both rich in nutrients soothing to skin irritations applied as an infused oil. I would think of calendula as having more anti fungal benefits and better for skin granulation and healing, so better for cuts & grazes though dandelion flowers also would be beneficial. Certainly a lot more freely available growing everywhere, such a generous plant! Why not give it a go? Click here for the recipe.

For edible use the flower have a delicate, light floral taste, lovely to sprinkle the petals as a salad or meal garnish. The green bases add a little bitterness when infusing into an oil which promote detoxification but can be removed if for edible use and a less bitter flavour is preferred. I like to leave a bit of green myself for the cleansing effects.

You could also add in leaves to the mix to increase bitterness for a stronger detox effect, as it's good for generalised water retention and excess swelling, promoting anti inflammatory action. Be cautious of this if you have diagnosed health conditions, on medicines. Consult your GP and herbalist for guidance.

In Western countries, the leaves are gathered for spring salads or to use as a wilted bitter green in side dishes. The roots are more popularly eaten as a vegetable in Eastern countries like Japan.

The roots are well known roasted as a coffee substitute, although coffee lovers should be warned it doesn't really taste like coffee. It is however an extremely nutritious hot drink, which is more supportive to the bowels and less irritant to the kidneys compared to coffee, so certainly helpful if you are considering reducing coffee consumption. I like to mix roasted dandelion root with chai spices for an invigorating digestive drink, that blends well with nut and seed milks for a healthy milky hot drink alternative.

As a tea the flowers and leaves can be infused fresh or dried, and the dried roots boiled (decocted) for a detoxifying drink. Quite helpful for headaches linked with liver congestion and poor diet, or taken regularly when embarking on a period of cleansing and detoxification.

The seed heads are also fun for making wishes and therapeutic to play with. I spotted this video on Youtube recently which highlights one of the many fun things you can do with dandelion with kids and adults alike. Brought a big smile to my face :)

I have recently connected with Christine Argo, a naturopathic herbalist and high priestess of the Church of Nature, a non-denomination spiritual centre inspired by the healing power of nature. It's a beautiful concept, and right up my alley with my own passion for creative healing, nature and more spiritual approach to healthcare.

If that sounds like your kind of thing too, I'd invite you to check out her soulful natural healing work, particularly her recent radio show exploring the many uses and energy of our beloved Dandelion plant. You can listen in on this link to access the recording in the Nature's Channel FM archives, at her Power of Flowers to Heal show.

While listening in myself, I discovered that dandelion as a flower essence is absolutely perfect for me just now. These sunny, vibrant, social, generous little plants can be personified as folk who love life so much to the point of getting overwhelmed through wanting to do too much! Definitely a tendency I have. No wonder these lovely lion flowers are speaking to me so strongly at the moment!

I will make the flower remedy and try it out on myself, it's exactly what I feel I need. I also made a detoxing tea from the fresh flowers, which is an ideal complement to the reflexology and acupuncture treatments to support my flow and mobility which I am receiving from my wonderful friends and experienced colleagues Sue and Paul of The Natural Health Clinic, based at Meadowbank Sports Centre, Edinburgh not far from me. 

I intend to use the root more to feel grounded and improve my core and digestive processes which can get out of balance when I get all over-excited mentally and my head becomes top heavy just like dandelion's big round head on its thin little stem body! I had a lot of trouble with this especially when I was studying at university for my MA Philosophy and BSc Herbal Medicine honours degrees.

Eight years collectively of heavy duty mental focus, I'm still getting back into balance after all that! That's why I love hanging out with nature so much. I find it truly healing on every level.

I could go on waxing lyrical about my dandelion buddies, but I shall leave you with that for now. No doubt they will make a reappearance on my blog again in the future. If you want to try making your own remedy, here's the link for a simple dandelion remedy recipe.

I was also interviewed by the lovely Natasha of Forage Botanicals on the medicinal uses of dandelion, check out her podcast to hear more about our sunny leonine friends: http://www.foragebotanicals.co.uk/listen-podcast//e05-dandelion

I'd love to hear about your experiences and uses of dandelion, or reflections on what I've mentioned here in the blog. If you fancy it, I'd love to hear from you in the comments or on any of the social media links below.

Have a doodle dandy day!
Fiona Morris 
Herbalist & Holistic Therapist

Herbal Wellness Plans | Courses & Workshops | Wild Remedy Walks
Holistic Body Massage | Indian Head Massage | Tea & Tarot Readings

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Dandelion Flower Infused Oil Making

There are many applications for Dandelion Flower Infused Oil. Here are but a few...

~ Apply oil directly onto irritated or inflamed skin, joints or muscles, with or without added essential oils as desired and as required, 2-4 x daily and consistently for therapeutic use.

~ Make oil into a balm by melting in beeswax or other plant waxes and butters at amounts to suit desired consistency, for a less greasy and more protective external application.

~ Blend with body and facial skin creams at 10-50% for a lighter and more absorbent skin application.

~ Use internally straight off the teaspoon up to 3 x daily as a nutrient and healing herbal remedy to promote tissue cleansing and healthy skin.

~ Drizzle on food as a base for a healthy detoxifying salad dressing, with apple cider vinegar, mustard, garlic, herbs, etc.

To make your own Dandelion Flower Infused Oil at home:

1. Pick lots of healthy looking dandelion flower heads, from a chemical spray free area. Bring a basket or paper bag to collect them in and protect them on the way home.

1a. Optional, but highly recommended extra step: I like to make some sort of nature art with them after picking, sit and connect with them on a picnic blanket and enjoy some tea or snacks near where they grow, do a bit of meditation, stretching, reading or journaling.

2. Make sure you use an appropriately sized, clean and completely dry jar sterilised by submerging jar and lid with freshly boiled water for 5-10min.

3. Fill jar with flower heads to the neck.

4. Cover with a cold pressed oil of your choice, ideally organic to minimise trace chemicals toxicity. I used sunflower in this one for its light texture and extra sunny solar powered energy, but you can use any oil you wish.

You could try grapeseed oil for something, nice and light, easily absorbed. Almond oil is a bit richer but still light and more nourishing. Olive oil is found in most kitchen cupboards, heavier and great for Vit E and anti fungal benefits, but flavour can be quite strong if you are making it for edible purposes. For external applications and dry skin, flavour is less important and richness may be more desirable.

4. Seal with lid (using dried flowers avoids mould growth, or secure piece of muslin over the top, and leave on sunny window sill for 2 weeks at least.

5. Give a shake, turn or stir daily with sterile spoon to ensure that no stagnant pockets of air and moisture from fresh flowers allow mould to develop.

As there is moisture in fresh flowers, it can be good to cover with muslin and rubber band or string to allow moisture to evaporate out. Using dried flowers avoids this issue, but loses some of the lovely fresh vital constituents. For fresh flowers and covered in muslin, stir instead of shake daily for obvious reasons!

If you use a lid on fresh flowers you may want to remove the lid every 2-3 days at first before shaking to check for water evaporation on the lid, leave off for a short while to allow any moisture to evaporate and reseal. Muslin not required when dried, but different if flavours fresh or dried. Either
way promotes healing however so do whatever works best for you. It's all good :)

6. Flowers will settle and shrink a bit, so you can add some fresh ones to top it up after a few days. For an extra potent oil, strain off and press out as much oil as possible after a couple of weeks, and repeat the process using the single infused oil with a fresh jar full of dandelion flowers to make a double infused oil.

7. Strain off through fine sieve, muslin or clean cloth into a sterile bottle or jar, seal well and store in a cool, dry, dark cupboard and use as required. Use within 12 months.

Note: Do not use for anyone with known sensitivities to the Daisy family, aka Asteraceae, Compositae.

One person's healing medicine can be another person's poison, so do patch tests before 24hr before using, particularly for those with sensitive skins. We are all individual and may react differently. This applies to any plant remedy. Check with your local herbalist for guidance.

If you haven't already checked out my dandelion remedies blog for more medicinal benefits and musings on the whole dandelion plant, you can do so here.

I'd love to hear your creative uses and experiences for dandelion flower oil. Do please share your thoughts with me in the comments or social media links below. I look forward to hearing from you :)

Have a sunshiny dandelion day,
Fiona Morris 
Herbalist & Holistic Therapist

Herbal Wellness Plans | Courses & Workshops | Wild Remedy Walks
Holistic Body Massage | Indian Head Massage | Tea & Tarot Readings

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Homemade Lavender Lemonade Recipe

Another sunny day! I recently tasted a locally produced shop bought lavender lemonade from a local cafe, and was delighted by its unique combination of relaxing and refreshing. 

I was inspired to make my own following a recipe shared with me by one of my lovely social media connections @blessing_beads. It looked so easy and a great way to make use of my dried lavender supplies so I decided to make my own version. It turned out beautifully and with many requests now for the recipe I am sharing it here for all to enjoy.

Ingredients to make 1 litre jug (serves 3-4, simply double or triple to make more):

1-2 teaspoons dried lavender (to taste delicate - 1 tsp, strong - 2 tsp, use in tablespoons for fresh herb, more lavender colour if using more, of course), 1 litre water, 2 fresh lemons, honey to sweeten (or try stevia or plant based syrup for vegan alternative), tray of ice cubes, optional fresh mint or edible flowers for garnish & LOVE.

1. Make a lovely lavender flowers infusion. Stir in 1-2 heaped teaspoons according to taste to a cup or mug of boiled water. Cover with a saucer to keep the aromatic oils from evaporating off and infuse for 15-20min. Strain off the herb and allow the liquid to completely cool.

Lavender is a herbal natural remedy to soothe nerves, ease headaches, aid unsettled sleep, insomnia, calm the spirit. It also has anti inflammatory and antiseptic benefits, so not just a pretty face and beautiful scent. It has many applications internally and externally, but note that a little goes a long way. 

I add just a pinch to herbal tea blends (no more than 5-10%) for an added chill factor, to promote unwinding and relaxation. Just watching them float in the water while they infuse is a meditation in itself. Treat yourself a clear glass mug, cafetiere or teapot for this purpose.

2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of honey to suit your taste. Locally sourced raw honey is ideal if you can get it for additional therapeutic actions to support digestive, detoxifying and energy producing processes. Add it to the lavender infusion while it is still warm to dissolve it in easier, but not straight off the boil to help preserve its beneficial enzymes.

Most honeys are already pre-heated to high temperatures to strain off residues so you don't need to wait for the water temperature to cool if its not raw. Check with your producer to find out if you aren't sure. Small scale producers are less likely to do this, so pick some up at your local farmers' market. You can also taste the difference.

3. Slice 1 of the lemons into quarters and squeeze out the juice, straining it into a jug to remove the seeds and press out the pulp with the back of a spoon to extract all the juice.

4. Add the lavender honey infusion to the lemon juice.

5. Slice the lemon for garnish and add to the jug with a tray of ice cubes to cool and top up with water to make a litre's volume. 

You can simply put in the fridge to cool if you don't have ice, or pour into a sealed container secured by rocks in a cool stream for a while if you're out in the wild.

6. Add springs of mint if you wish. I tried this and found the strong mint flavour took away from the subtle taste of lavender, so preferred to garnish with a few foraged edible flower heads growing near me. 

Check out what's available where ever you might be located. I took this batch outside with me to enjoy while reading my book under the blossoming cherry trees in the park, so a cherry blossom garnish gave it an extra delightful touch of love.

There you have it... 

Sweet, simple and soothing sunny day refreshment, without the preservatives and the refined or artificial sweeteners of many shop bought versions, and made by your own fair hand makes it taste like something else. Make fresh batches as required. You can make up a pot or two of lavender infusion up to a day in advance for larger volumes. Cheers!

I'd love to hear your thoughts, how you liked it if you give this a try at home, or to receive your favourite tips how you make your own homemade lemonade extra special. You're welcome to comment below the blog or leave a note on any of the links below.

To your flourishing health and well being,
Fiona Morris 
Herbalist & Holistic Therapist

Herbal Wellness Plans | Courses & Workshops | Wild Remedy Walks
Holistic Body Massage | Indian Head Massage | Tea & Tarot Readings

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Saturday, 18 April 2015

Herbal Tarot Reading New Moon in Aries - 18th April

Welcome to your herbal tarot reading to help you focus your intentions for the New Moon in Aries  cycle ahead. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, a fire sign and the beginning of the astrological cycle, so another new year to celebrate!

My sister gave me a beautiful new pack of tarot cards as a birthday gift last month. I was looking forward to sharing something new with you for this brand new moon. Unfortunately, one of the cards was damaged so I am back to sharing my trusty Herbal Tarot cards again. These things happen. Hopefully I will get a replacement for it and will share them with you soon.

At this time of year, spring here in the northern hemisphere, the skies are brighter, our collective enrgy is rising, feeling bolder, more likely to take risks, and venturing outside for adventures.

Aries is a fire element sign and 'ruled' by Mars, which represents action, courage, boldness and energy. So I felt drawn to doing this reading among plants with characteristics symbolised by the planet Mars. 

I set up my reading cloth among a patch of stinging nettles - infamous for its sharp sting and giving you a defensive nip if you get too close, ready to attack with ferocity, like Mars' swift warrior reflexes - and flowering wild garlic - known locally among wild food foragers for its abundance around this time of year.

Plentiful and beneficial to our health and well being, nettles and wild garlic are both wonderful immune system boosts for those fortunate to have a healthy patch of them growing nearby for fresh spring greens. Ensure you are 100% positive of wild garlic's identity by its garlicky scent so you don't poison yourself on lily of the valley or bluebell leaves which look similar!

Now on to your reading...

Within this Aries impulse to take action, I invite you to take a moment to stop, reflect, and review the recent cycle, taking stock of any learning and growing pains, celebrations and loss in equal measure...


Sit comfortably and 
relax where you are...

Inhale a few deep breaths into your heart, 
closing your eyes if you wish...

Allow your intention for the
next lunar cycle to come to mind...

Ask for any guidance that would be 
supportive for you to receive right now...

When you're ready, open your eyes...

Choose a card, then click on the number of the card you feel most drawn to:

Love and blessings,
Fiona Morris - Herbalist & AstroTarot Reader


Herbal Wellness Plans | Courses & Workshops | Wild Remedy Walks
Holistic Body Massage | Indian Head Massage | Tea & Tarot Readings

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If you are reading this on the 

main home page of my blog, 
**Stop scrolling down now** 
to avoid spoilers of your 
reading in the blogs posts below.

Herbal Tarot New Moon in Aries Card No 1

You chose Card No 1
Queen of Swords ~ Lady's Slipper

A queen stands bare foot out in the open, carrying a sword in her left hand. On her right she has a broken chain attached to her wrist, indicated that she has broken free from captivity. She has released herself through the conflict of mental bondage supported by encounters and allies along the way, such as the large Lady's Slipper plant that stands behind her. 

The queen is a mature figure, an aspect of our self or an embodiment of characteristics in someone we might admire. She is a leader among her network. Her behaviour is bold, unconventional and liberating.

The swords represent the air element governing our intellectual and thinking processes, suggesting her prison was a mental one. The air element is linked with the nervous system. Through the queen's journey through the air element, her awareness and wisdom has deepened with experience.

The queen of swords bare feet indicate that although she is a rational, intelligent, thoughtful woman, she is well balanced and connected with the earth. It is important for us all to remember that when life's influences lead us to imbalanced over-thinking, over-analysis, heady rationalism, remembering to find ways to connect with the earth is vital.

It's easy to get top heavy, burdened by ever increasing stresses and concerns. It can easier than we think to get relief from these symptoms of every day living by simply reconnecting with nature.

We can find a natural environment nearby, like a park or a garden for a breather, to kick off your shoes and experience the grass and soil beneath your feet, feel the breeze in your hair, against your skin, the heat of the sun on your face, the cooling sensation of the fresh air entering your lungs.

Becoming aware of everyday miracles is a natural remedy that benefits not only yourself, but is inspiring to others and leads the way for them to help themselves by doing the same.

A Herbal Remedy to Restore the Nerves 
~ Lady's Slipper ~

Lady's Slipper is a member of the orchid family and now quite rare due to unsustainable over harvesting, so it can be hard to come by at herbalist shops and expensive when you do. Valued as a medicine by Native American Indians where its use originates, its other common names are Nerve Root and American Valerian.

In traditional herbal medicine, Lady's Slipper root is used as a deeply relaxing, sedative, nervous system restorative remedy, and antispasmodic for cramping and tension. Its name alludes to the flowers appearance looking like a comfy slipper, but also alludes to its use as an analgesic and friend to ladies' menstrual moods, aches and pains.

However, it is beneficial to painful conditions of all sorts for any gender, especially where sleep is afflicted. There are many herbal remedies that can be more reliably found locally to use as alternative. 

Try calming herbal tea and tincture blends including herbs such as Chamomile, Linden blossom, Skullcap, Passiflora, St John's Wort or Valerian Root. All of these and many more can take the edge of nervous irritability.

Your experiences in grounding yourself and bringing yourself back to balance after a challenging period is an inspiration to others. Let nature support you in restoring yourself to liberating state of simplicity and calm.

I hope you have enjoyed your reading and you find it supportive to you moving forward into the cycle ahead. 

I'd love to hear how this resonates with and inspires you. If you have any insights, connections, recollections of any kind, I welcome you to share them with me in a comment below, a personal message, or on my Nourish and Flourish FB page.

If you have friends you think might appreciate it, please do share :)

For occasional updates of upcoming new moon readings, soulful self care tips, herbal wellness blog adventures, holistic clinics and events, I invite you to click here to sign up for your free Nourish and Flourish Love Letters delivered by email directly to your inbox. 

Love & healing blessings,
Fiona Morris - Herbalist & AstroTarot Reader

Herbal Wellness Plans | Courses & Workshops | Wild Remedy Walks
Holistic Body Massage | Indian Head Massage | Tea & Tarot Readings

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Herbal Tarot New Moon in Aries Card No 2

You chose Card No 2
VI The Lovers ~ Parsley

Two people stand hand in hand in a state of innocence, communicating with each other and taking in the splendour of the natural environment around them. They are surrounded by a parsley plant. A beam of light shines down through the heavens as if nature is blessing their encounter.

This card brings an opportunity for  hopeful new beginnings and deeply connecting with another at a heart level. It may be meeting someone new with whom there is a sense of soul connection, or a renewal of an existing relationship indicating a sense of return to bliss and innocence, the wonder of meeting others with an open heart and letting our guards down.

A sense of trust and openness allows us to feel more safe with our vulnerabilities. It can feel a rare thing to meet someone who makes us feel this way, like divine intervention, providing a warm, compassionate, loving space for others in turn helps promote healing and a sense of hope for both sides.

We receive so many messages of doom and gloom around relationship prospects, feeling let down by our own or others responses from previous relationship experiences, that it can affect the way we respond when a new opportunity to relate presents itself.

This card nudges us to return to and maintain our open hearted, innocent, loving and trusting attitudes to bring out the best in ourselves and others. Be aware that our conditioned expectations of relationships may no longer apply, so be willing to forgive and let go of misconceptions and fear, and allow for authentic heart-centered relationships to unfold.

A Herbal Remedy to Cleanse and Re-energise
~ Parsley ~

This is a plant we know well as a common food garnish and easily available at our local shops, as such it mat be overlooked for its healing benefits. It's a powerful kidney cleanser, rich in chlorophyll promoting the elimination of toxins from all our body's cells, and packed with nutrients to increase our energy levels.

In astrology the kidneys are related to the sign of Libra, lover of balance and harmony, the opposite sign to independent, headstrong Aries. It's notable that we have two kidneys (renal organs) both working together to cleanse our body of toxins to be released through the urine. They are closely connected to our adrenal glands that sit directly on top of our renal organs which produce hormones such as adrenaline that boosts our energy and stimulates activity.

On a physical level it's important to be attentive to their healthy function to ensure health throughout our body. This is most visibly indicated in our skin quality and felt through our joints and muscles. Here in the northern hemisphere it is spring, so a good time to increase intake of parsley and other greens to refresh a sluggish system by adding it liberally to foods, green juices, dressings, dips.

However, with our modern day 24/7 culture, this may be beneficial wherever you are and at any time of year to cleanse your body systems occasionally. Traditionally spring and autumn mark dramatic seasonal changes where it is helpful to detoxify to help boost the immunity and energy for the seasons ahead. Working with a natural health practitioner can help you decide and create a detoxing plan to best suit your constitution.

Detoxing may not be only on a physical level, but also at an emotional and spiritual level. It's helpful to review our attitudes and mindsets, to weed out what no longer serves us for optimal flourishing, acknowledge them for what they have taught you and let them go so that you can move forward feeling lighter, cleaner and more energised to pursue mutually loving and healing connections with those around you.


I hope you have enjoyed your reading and you find it supportive to you moving forward into the cycle ahead. 

I'd love to hear how this resonates with and inspires you. If you have any insights, connections, recollections of any kind, I welcome you to share them with me in a comment below, my Nourish and Flourish FB page, or personal message.

If you have friends you think might appreciate it, do please share :)

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Love & healing blessings,
Fiona Morris - Herbalist & AstroTarot Reader

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