Friday 20 March 2015

New Moon Equinox Solar Eclipse Herbal Tarot Card 1

New Moon Equinox Solar Eclipse Herbal Tarot Reading

You chose Card No 1 ~ 7 of Wands

A fox protects her loved ones from the threat of an unwanted intruder. Tempers are raised. Feelings of fear and defensiveness spark the animal instinct to fight for what is dear to our hearts. The circle and flow between the 2 creatures show that although they have their differences, they also share characteristics, one feeds the other.

In some situations, we are forced to defend ourselves to protect what is precious to us but devastating conflict can occur when we forget that the other is also just trying to survive using the best means it knows. In life, conflicts of interests and opinion will occur, temperaments clash. 

Wands represents the fire element symbolising action, energy, instinct. In this image, the wands are scattered at harsh angles, representing the chaos that can be unleashed by uncontrolled reactions. Escalated emotions may lead to regret and suffering. Is there a more skillful way of responding to prevent such unpleasant interactions, or to disengage when they do occur?

In challenging situations, we may tend to react on instinct and habit as our triggers for survival are pressed, however, it also presents an opportunity to tap into a greater awareness to transform a difficult situation into more positive outcome. Although it may feel stressful, there is a chance to grow in wisdom and ability to relate by taking a more considered new approach.

The other side of the conflict suffers too and even if it is not resolved harmoniously this time, it can invite the creation of space for reflection, to gain perspective, and opening the heart to allow a new way to communicate to help shift a disagreement towards a more positive and unexpected outcome. Using the same methods will bring you the same results you have always got, next time try a new approach and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Do be kind to yourself. Old habits die hard. With a strong intention to develop love and compassion towards yourself and others, rigid or stuck thinking and beliefs may soften and allow for a healing transformation. Out of suffering and pain, awareness and kindness can lead to a profound experience of love and compassion.

A Herbal Remedy to Soothe Angry Hurts and Upset 
~ Rose Petals ~

The beautiful soft nurturing rose flower inspires gentleness, self care and helps cool the inflammation of flared emotions. A whole range of emotions can accompany a disagreement, frustration, rage, despair, regret, sorrow. Rose petals in our herbal teas, drinks and foods remind us to be kind to ourselves and others. It can support you in eventually breaking a cycle that can only bring pain.

The rose scent in oils and creams can be applied to the skin, pulse points and rubbed into the chest and heart areas to provide nurturing and uplifting balm of love and support.


I hope you have enjoyed your reading and you find it supportive to you moving forward into the cycle ahead. I'd love to hear how this resonates with and inspires you. I welcome you to leave a comment below or on my Nourish and Flourish FB page.

If you have friends you think might appreciate it, please do share :)

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Love & healing blessings,

Fiona Morris - Herbalist & AstroTarot Reader

Herbal Wellness Plans | Courses & Workshops | Wild Remedy Walks
Holistic Body Massage | Indian Head Massage | Tea & Tarot Readings

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